6 Important Types Of Maintenance, To Prepare Your House For Winter

6 Important Types Of Maintenance, To Prepare Your House For Winter

Once you become the owner of your home, it is important to understand, houses require upkeep and maintenance on a regular basis. It is wise to budget accordingly, and to follow some sort of plan, in order to maintain the house, in order to minimize the chances for major issues occurring! Every season has some sort of unique challenges and obstacles, and it is wise, with fall upon us, to think about what needs to be done, now, to best prepare for winter. The following is a basic, 6 – step list, to do before the seasons and weather changes, to best prepare and minimize major problems and/ or challenges.

1. Water; sprinkler system: If you have an in – ground sprinkler system, make sure you have it winterized. This usually means bleeding the system, to remove all water from the pipes, so the pipes will not freeze. In addition, if you have any outside hoses, faucets, etc, or outside water pipes, pay attention to them, by turning off the water to those pipes, and by wrapping any external pipes, to be best prepared for cold weather.

2. Heating system: Is your heating system prepared for the winter? Have you had any filters cleaned and/ or replaced, and if you have an oil system, have you filled your tank, to be set for needing to use it. Heating companies generally have something they refer to as a P.M., or preventive maintenance, and it is wise to have this service performed. Turn up your thermostat now, and make sure the system turns on, and run smoothly, before it’s cold and uncomfortable. Be prepared!

3. Lawns; garden; trees; maintenance/ trim – back: Have you had the leaves that fall in autumn removed, so that you avoid safety risks, when icing occurs? Have you done any fall – plantings and fertilizing, so your garden is ready for Spring? Have you checked on the conditions of your trees, and branches, to be certain the additional weight from snow or ice, do not cause damage? Have you done preventive maintenance, such as repairing cracks in concrete, especially near the foundation of house, etc? Have you trimmed back bushes, etc, so you are ready and prepared?

4. Do all outside maintenance: There are some maintenance projects that are weather – sensitive? Do those now, before the colder weather is upon us!

5. Check windows and doors: You want to heat only your home, and not the outside! Heating can be costly, so check the seals around windows and doors, and make certain they are not leaking air! Weather strip, where it is indicated, and use storm doors and windows, rather than screens, etc.

6. Check your gutters: Clean out your gutters, and make certain they are free of leaves or other obstructions! Also make sure they do not leak from seals, and fix any areas which need attention! You don’t want trouble from ice and/ or snow, so a little attention now, will go a long way!

Are you ready and prepared for the weather changes associated with Winter, and the colder temperatures? Pay a little attention to maintenance now, and you will save a lot of headaches later!